Holland-Controls receives another significant HC-DRIVE order
We are pleased to announce that Holland-Controls, through its service organisation, Holland-Controls Services UK, has received another significant order for several HC-DRIVEs.
We are pleased to announce that Holland-Controls, through its service organisation, Holland-Controls Services UK, has received another significant order for several HC-DRIVEs.
For one of our UK, North Sea customers, we completed an upgrade to their fuel gas system. The upgrade involved decommissioning the legacy fuel gas isolation and vent valves, followed by the installation of dual Meggitt High-Speed Shutoff Valves (HSSOVs) and corresponding vent valves.
Two legacy En-Tronic Controls LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) signal conditioning modules from were returned to HC Services for testing. These modules are still being used to control the fuel metering valves on Siemens SGT-A20 gas compression packages operating in the North Sea for one of our valued customers.
Have you ever wondered how a gas turbine control panel is built? This is the moment when all the preparation and designing comes together, most of it is done by hand by our talented team. Making sure the control panel is ready in time for shipment to our client’s location.
Even though we focus on the latest technologies, old operating systems also continue to come back to us for repair. It is almost as if, like a boomerang, these systems always find their way back to us.
Holland-Controls Services UK have now completed the first order of eight HC-DRIVEs destined for one of our oil and gas customers in the Caspian Sea.
These are replacing obsolete Moog DS2000XP fuel valve controllers for several RB211-24G (SGT-A35) gas only and dual fuel generator sets.
HC-DRIVE has been successfully installed for another of our valued UK North Sea oil and gas customers who were facing reliability issues with the existing obsolete Moog DS2000XP fuel valve controller. This was for their RB211-24G (SGT-A35) gas fuel metering valve.
One of Equinor’s high pressure compressor trains back in operation. That brings another project successfully to the end!
This marks number 6 out of 8 Rolls-Royce RB211’s in the Oseberg Field in Norway that HC has upgraded.
For one of the UK North-Sea Oil&Gas operators, Holland-Controls has successfully delivered Human Machine Interfaces (HMI’s) by replacing existing HMI computers, the related Engineering Stations and the customer interface servers.
From June 4-6, Holland-Controls will participate in this year’s ETN Global event held in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The User Group Meeting includes technical- and special sessions about the latest developments and upgrades for the LM2500, discussions and an exhibition.
Holland-Controls has successfully commissioned another project in Germany. At a power plant in Ludwigshafen, we implemented an engineered solution for a Solar Taurus60 SoLoNOx gas turbine, enabling the unit to run on dual-fuel operation.
In the last week of March, a shipment of new control panels was sent from our Hengelo premises (The Netherlands) to our Services division in Louth (UK).
Adam Smithstraat 6
7559 SW Hengelo
The Netherlands